Illegal industrial materials, consumer goods, auto parts and vehicles confiscated

  • Sun, 30 April 2023

Illegal industrial materials, consumer goods, auto parts and vehicles confiscated

        AN unregistered Toyota Mark II car (approximate­ly K3.5 million) on 27 April was captured near Pan Hlaing Bridge on Twantay road in Hlinethaya (East) township. The action was taken under relevant pro­cedures.

    Similarly, on 28 April, the combined on-duty team seized three kinds of goods including 600 kilo­grammes of Wai Wai in­stant rice vermicelli worth K9,194,551 from a Dong Feng tractor head and a trailer (approximately K55 million) heading to Yan­gon from Myawady near Ywathagyi tollgate. The action was taken under Customs procedures.

    On the same day, the on-duty teams exam­ined three passenger lift elevator complete sets including a Lincoln-lift passenger lift elevator worth K150 million that was different from the Import Declaration (ID) from a container at the Hteedan Port, two kinds of goods including 100 Oasis centrifugal pumps worth K27.5 million that exceeded the Import Declaration (ID) from a container at the MITT Port and two kinds of goods including 400 pairs of Daraworld lady heeled sandals without official documents from a Zhong Tong bus (approximately K35 million) heading to Yangon from Myawady at the Mayanchaung per­manent checkpoint. The action was taken under Customs procedures.

            In addition, a com­bined team at the Kawka­reik (Tadakyoe) combined checkpoint confiscated 50 Duro cycle tyres worth K2.5 million that were not declared in the Import Declaration (ID) from a vehicle heading to Yangon from Myawady. The action was taken under Customs procedures.

       Therefore, nine ar­rests (estimated value of K286,344,551) were made on 27 and 28 April, according to the Illegal Trade Eradication Steer­ing Committee. — MNA/ MKKS

Source==> Global New Light OF Myanmar