A corruption prevention workshop with the theme of 'Responsible Governance and Business Enterprises' took place in Pathein
- Sat, 23 March 2019
Sat, 23 March 2019
This morning, the anti-corruption commission and the Irrawaddy regional government, with technical assistance from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), organized a corruption prevention workshop titled "Responsible Governance and Business Enterprises" at City Hall in Pathein.
Amidst the workshop, notable speeches were delivered by U Hla Moe Aung, the Prime Minister of the Irrawaddy Region Government, and U Aung Kyi, the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission. Regional Government Ministers, Commission members, external experts, and local businessmen participated in a discussion on anti-corruption measures and responsible governance, which took place on stage.
During the workshop, U Hla Moe Aung, the Chief Minister of the Irrawaddy Region, expressed his satisfaction and pride regarding the efforts of the Anti-Corruption Commission in educating the public. He emphasized that the regional government would collaborate to establish a corruption-free region. The workshop aimed to enhance awareness about anti-corruption measures, with the objective of diminishing corruption. The Chief Minister highlighted that corruption, as a detrimental system, has contributed to poverty in the country and must be combated. He further stated that as corruption decreases, the economy will witness development.
Furthermore, the Chairman of the Commission emphasized that workshops are being held with the aim of reducing the occurrence of prosecutions and legal actions. It is believed that promoting integrity and enhancing prevention efforts should be done simultaneously. Those in positions of authority have made the decision to initiate anti-corruption or prevention efforts within their respective departments, making personal sacrifices to ensure themselves and their organizations are free from corruption. It is a responsibility that entails bringing about system-wide change after enduring hardships.
It is a genuine democratic reform endeavor. Whether within government departments or private businesses and civil organizations, there are many individuals who persistently oppose corruption with genuine conscientiousness. It is hoped that these individuals will actively engage in corruption prevention, as the time has come to collectively combat the corrupt system alongside the people. As dedicated and honest civil servants, it is urged they will assume the responsibility of reducing corruption within their respective departments-
I. To conduct comprehensive investigations to identify instances of corruption occurring within our respective departments across diverse townships and rural areas.
II. To report any occurrences of minor bribes for necessary actions to be taken in accordance with the civil service law, and in the case of more substantial instances of corruption, to transfer the case to the Union Ministry or the relevant government.
III. To report potential corruption risks, identified within department-specific procedures, rules, and regulations, to the Union Ministry, the Commission, the Corruption Prevention Unit (CPU), and the relevant government organizations.
The establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commission (CPU) and the Corruption Risk Assessment (CRA) process align with the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) No. 16. It can now be stated that anti-corruption work has achieved universality. By initiating self-transformation and assuming responsibility for transforming their respective organizations, individuals contribute to the restoration of societal dignity. They are encouraged to promote accountability in both governmental administration and business sectors.
Following that, the Chairman of the Commission and the Regional Chief Minister joined the attendees for a group photograph. Continuing the workshop, various speakers addressed important topics. Commission member U Soe Tint emphasized the Commission's anti-corruption measures, while Regional Planning and Finance Minister U Htay Win focused on “Responsible Administrative practices”. Dr. Tin Maung Than stressed the significance of responsible administration, and Dr. Zaw Oo highlighted the importance of “responsible civil society organizations (CSOs)”. Additionally, U Win Myint Aung from the UMFCCI shared insights on a “Responsible Business Practices”, while local businessman U Win Myint Hlaing discussed the topic of a “Responsible Business Practices”.
In the afternoon, the attendees engaged in an interactive session where they raised pertinent questions, to which the officials readily provided comprehensive answers.
Subsequently, the Regional Chief Minister conducted a thorough review of the discussion outcomes, the workshop witnessed a substantial attendance of 500 individuals, including Commissioners, department officials from the Irrawaddy Division, officials from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), representatives from civil society organizations, businessmen, and media personnel.