Anti-Illicit Trade Forum held in Nay Pyi Taw

  • Wed, 5 September 2018

THE Anti-Illicit Trade Forum was held at the M Gallery Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the forum, Anti-Corruption Commission Chairman U Aung Kyi called on participants of the forum for seeking ways for solving illicit trading in Myanmar.

The forum was also attended by officials from Euro Cham Myanmar, local business persons, officials from international organizations, and anti-illicit trade field experts. Executive Director from Euro Cham Myanmar, Mr. Filip Lauwerysen briefed about impacts of the illicit trade across the world and introduced facts to be taken into account by a government when it lays down policies on fighting the illicit trade. Next, Anti-Corruption Commission Chairman U Aung Kyi said massive potential tax revenue loss is caused by illicit trade which negatively impacts the economy, natural environment, and society and the illicit trade cannot be easily controlled under law as it is operated by illegal groups. Illicit trade leads to breaking the taxation law and causes negative consequences, he added. The Anti-Corruption Commission is drawing a strategy to fight the illicit trade 2018-2021 and is implementing the national-level anti-corruption strategy, he said. The chairman expressed his belief that the suggestions acquired from the forum will be supportive of the future plan of the commission, pledging that the commission will cooperate with government organizations, public and private business persons, civil society organizations, and the public in fighting corruption in the country. Afterward, Chairman U Aung Kyi took a documentary photo together with the attendees. The forum then began and the participants of the forum discussed the assessment of the illicit trade, government policy on trading, and educating the public about the impacts of corruption and illicit trade.