The Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Dr. Htay Aung meets with the District Officials and Entrepreneurs of Pyin Oo Lwin (Mandalay Region)

  • Sat, 8 April 2023

The Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Dr. Htay Aung meets with the District Officials and Entrepreneurs of  Pyin Oo Lwin (Mandalay Region)

NayPyiTaw  8 April, 2023
            Human desires, anger, fear and stupidity have led to corruption in the social environment, which threatens the peace, prosperity, and development of the municipality and the entire human society. Thus, we are tackling corruption and these manner through prevention and awareness raising.
            The Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Dr. Htay Aung met with the District Officials and Entrepreneurs of Pyin Oo Lwin in the occasion of “Anti-corruption Awareness Session” at the township hall of Pyin Oo Lwin with the cooperation and technical arrangement of Mandalay Regional Government.
            During the occasion, Dr. Htay Aung, Chairman of the Commission, said that Anti-corruption activities have been carried out since 1947 through the enactment of laws, but corruption has continued to occur in various forms over the years.
            Grand corruption occurs in various countries around the world, and not only at the regional level, but also in the form of petty corruption. In fact, corruption is more widespread than bribery. Both parties involved in bribery are guilty, and the abuse of authority by individuals in positions of power for personal gain, as well as the violation of laws, regulations, and procedures and misappropriation of state-owned finance, property and asset, constitute corruption.
            To comprehensively combat corruption, the Anti-Corruption Law was enacted in 2013 and the Anti-Corruption Commission was formed in 2014.
            The Anti-Corruption Law was reviewed for the first time in 2014 to make it more comprehensive, and subsequently revised in 2016, 2017, and 2018. As it has been 5 years since the last review, the relevant departments and organizations are planning to consult with experts.
Since, Myanmar became a member of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2012, the country has been striving to reduce corruption in accordance with its culture and customs.
            In order to improve awareness raising and knowledge sharing to the youths and students, teacher guide books for the various level of basic education and modules for the university level have been published and distributed with the help of the Ministry of Education. We are coordinating and negotiating with relevant departments to introduce anti-corruption education as lessons in the relevant courses.
Chairman also said that anti-corruption awareness seminars in the region and state were widely conducted through the Fabric system, and good results were obtained.
            At the present, 37 Union level Corruption Prevention Units (CPUs) and 14 Region and State Level CPUs have been formed to carry out the prevention activities. A total of 51 groups have been formed and will continue to expand to the district and township levels.
            The Public Feedback Program (PFP), which is the task of the CPU teams, must also be continued.
           To effectively combat corruption, it is essential for all stakeholders, including local organizations, government agencies, and entrepreneurs, to cooperate and increase education and training programs aimed at raising awareness about anti-corruption among students. 
            He concludes that the government staffs must follow Ethics for Civil Service Personnel and the relevant departments.
