Let's prevent conflicts of interest to fight corruption- Part 5

  • Thu, 25 August 2022

Code of Conduct should be drawn up

            Chapter (6) of the Ethical Values of Civil Service Personnel published in Myanmar in 2021, Section 11 (f) stipulates that civil service personnel must "separate personal matters from position, department, duties and responsibilities". Since ministries/organizations engaged in public service activities vary in the nature of their work, developing and publishing ethics guidelines specific to each relevant department can effectively prevent conflict of interest situations.

Provisions of Anti-Corruption Law and Code of Conduct 

            In Anti-Corruption Law, Section 24 stipulated that persons shall not be comprised in the Investigation Board: (a) a person who has interest in the accusing complaint matter; (b) a person who is prejudiced against the accused; (c) a person who is related to the accuser or the accused; and (d) A person who has business relation with the accusing complainant or the accused who is being complained. It is already mandated by law to prevent conflicts of interest during investigations and the detection of corruption, in accordance with the law.

            In relation to integrity and honesty in code of conduct enacted by the Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission in 2018, financial interests, mismanagement of state resources; misuse of confidential information; Provisions are made to avoid using gifts for private gain. Therefore, if the relevant Ministries/Organizations are able to develop a code of conduct that includes provisions to control the conflict of interest that is consistent with the nature of their department's duty, it will be possible to prohibit the situation of conflict of interest.
