Indonesia ~ Corruption Eradicatoin Commission

  • Mon, 3 April 2023

Indonesia ~ Corruption Eradicatoin Commission

KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi_KPK)

        Formed based on  Law Number 30 of 2002  concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission which was subsequently amended by Law no. 19 of 2019 concerning the second amendment to Law no. 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission , the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was given the mandate to eradicate corruption in a professional, intensive and sustainable manner. The Corruption Eradication Commission is a state institution within the executive power cluster which in carrying out its duties and authorities is independent and free from the influence of any power.

            The KPK was not formed to take over the task of eradicating corruption from previous institutions. The elucidation of the law mentions the role of the KPK as  a trigger mechanism , which means encouraging or as a stimulus so that efforts to eradicate corruption by pre-existing institutions become more effective and efficient.

        In carrying out its duties, the KPK is guided by six principles, namely: legal certainty, transparency, accountability, public interest, proportionality and respect for human rights. The KPK is accountable to the public and submits its reports openly and periodically to the President, DPR and BPK.

            The KPK is led by the KPK leadership which consists of five people, a chairman who is also a member and four deputy chairmen who are also members. The five KPK leaders are state officials, who come from elements of government and elements of society. KPK leaders hold office for four years and can be re-elected only for one term. In making decisions, the KPK leadership is collegial collective in nature.

        The leadership of the KPK is in charge of five areas, which consist of: the field of  Education and Community Participation , the field of Prevention and Monitoring , the field of Enforcement and Execution , the field of Coordination and Supervision , and the field of Information and Data . Each of these fields is led by a Deputy. The KPK leadership also oversees the Inspectorate which is led by an Inspector. The KPK is also assisted by  the Secretariat General  , which is led by a Secretary General who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, but is responsible to the KPK leadership.

        Provisions regarding the organizational structure of the KPK are regulated in such a way as to enable the wider community to continue to participate in the activities and steps taken by the KPK. In carrying out operations, the KPK appoints employees who are recruited according to the required competencies.


Together with the community, reduce the level of corruption to realize an advanced Indonesia.


  1. Improving prevention efforts through improving the administrative management system of state and government institutions that are anti-corruption
  2. Increase prevention efforts through comprehensive anti-corruption education
  3. Eradication of criminal acts of corruption that are effective, accountable, professional and in accordance with the law
  4. Increase the accountability, professionalism and integrity of the Corruption Eradication Commission in carrying out its duties and powers

 The Corruption Eradication Commission has the task of:

  1. preventive measures so that corruption does not occur;
  2. coordination with agencies authorized to eradicate corruption and agencies tasked with implementing public services;
  3. monitor the implementation of state government;
  4. supervision of agencies authorized to eradicate corruption;
  5. investigation, investigation and prosecution of criminal acts of corruption;
  6. and actions to carry out the decisions of judges and court decisions that have obtained permanent legal force.

        For details regarding the duties, powers and obligations of the Corruption Eradication Commission, can be seen in  Law no. 19 of 2019 concerning the second amendment to Law no. 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission.

Source ==> Corruptiom Eradication Commission (KPK)

Website Link  ==>  KPK
