Court sentences Mandalay Region ex-chief minister for bribery

  • Fri, 17 June 2022

THE Anti-Corruption Commis[1]sion inspected the complaints against Mandalay Region’s for[1]mer chief minister Dr Zaw Myint Maung. 

According to the investiga[1]tion, the ex-chief minister took a bribe of 300,000 Thai baht from a company that was permitted for the new satellite town project area and other affiliated farm[1]lands in Mandalay Region, K65 million from a company that op[1]erates Amarapura Urban Devel[1]opment Project and US$100,000 from a business person. He also permitted the 0.0171 acre of land that are managed by the govern[1]ment for the Myingyan township NLD office in 2019 and 0.172 acre of land for the PyinOoLwin town[1]ship NLD office by breaching the existing laws, rules and regula[1]tions. It caused over K343 million loss to the State budget. He was charged under Sec[1]tion 55 of the Anti-Corruption Law for five cases on 16 July 2021 at the Mandalay Region High Court. The court sentenced him to 21 years of imprisonment for five cases under Section 55 of the An[1]ti-Corruption Law yesterday. For the investigation on taking bribes, measures are being carried out to nationalize the undocumented over K900 million, US$20,000 and 500,000 Thai baht.
