Nay Pyi Taw ex-mayor Dr Myo Aung, former deputy chair of Nay Pyi Taw development committee U Ye Min Oo, ex-member U San Naing charged under anti-corruption law

  • Tue, 19 April 2022

        The Anti-Corruption Commis[1]sion set up an investigation team into allegations against officials of the Nay Pyi Taw Development Committee. According to the findings of the investigation team, former Chairman of the Nay Pyi Taw Development Committee Mayor Dr Myo Aung and former Com[1]mittee Member No. (5) U San Naing, during their tenure, spent more than K1,800 million on the sale of general plots of land by the Nay Pyi Taw Development Committee in developing (96 plots of land and connection of water pipeline in Pobbathiri Township).

          The State lost more than K1,800 million since they did not follow the directive of the Presi[1]dent’s Office No. 1/2017 and No. 126 (1)/8 of the President’s Office issued on 4 May 2018 to pay the proceeds from the sale of state[1]owned lands to the State only. The State also lost K1,170 million in public funds due to the land reclamation of 96 plots of land and connection of water pipeline in Nyanadipa Ward, Pob[1]bathiri Township and 35 private plots near Htantabin Tawra Mon[1]astery in Dekkhinathiri Town[1]ship by the former mayor, the committee member, which was not necessary for the Nay Pyi Taw Development Committee. The State also lost K50 mil[1]lion due to their permission of 0.75 acres of land on the Moeth[1]outpan Road in Dekkhinathiri Township to a person to run a restaurant business without ask[1]ing for a permit from the Presi[1]dent’s Office under Section 29 of the Nay Pyi Taw Development Law or without calling for ex[1]pression of interest-EOI to the public to sell the land in trans[1]parency. They sold the land at K100 million with the decision made at the Nay Pyi Taw Devel[1]opment Committee’s Manage[1]ment meeting. Similarly, former mayor Dr Myo Aung and deputy mayor U Ye Min Oo also sold more than five acres of land near the Nay Pyi Taw Myoma Market to a com[1]pany to open a shopping mall at K100 million per acre under the decision made at the Nay Pyi Taw Development Committee’s Management meeting. There[1]fore, the State lost about K2,000 million. Due to the above findings, a file against former mayor Dr Myo Aung, former deputy may[1]or U Ye Min Oo and committee member No (5) U San Naing was filed under Section 55 of the An[1]ti-Corruption Law at the No (1) Myoma Police Station of the Nay Pyi Taw Council Territory yester[1]day.
