Meeting on Myanmar’s Country Review Report for the UNCAC Implementation Review Cycle 2

  • Mon, 6 May 2019

Meeting on Myanmar’s Country Review Report for the  UNCAC Implementation Review Cycle 2

6, May 2019

        The opening ceremony of the 'Meeting on Myanmar's Country Review Report for UNCAC Implementation Review Cycle 2' was held at the Grand Amara Hotel at 08:30. The aim of this meeting was to release the Country Review Report of Myanmar for the UNCAC Implementation Review. During the ceremony, H.E. Mr. Aung Kyi, Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Ms. Marie Pegie Cauchois from the UNODC Country Office, and Mr. Jason Reichelt from the UNODC headquarters were present remarks.

        The Chairman mentioned that Myanmar signed the UNCAC in 2005 and ratified it on December 20, 2012. The Anti-Corruption Law, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s Law No.23, was enacted on August 7, 2013. Subsequently, the Anti-Corruption Commission was established on February 25, 2014, and the Anti-Corruption Commission office was inaugurated on March 10, 2014. Myanmar is also actively implementing the UNCAC review mechanism, similar to other state parties. In the First Cycle, Myanmar and Togo reviewed on the Cambodia while Thai and Burndi reviewed on the Myanmar.

        Myanmar has recognized and implemented the recommendations from the first cycle. The second cycle will focus on the prevention of corruption and asset recovery under the UNCAC. The Commission is actively engaged in various corruption prevention activities, including awareness-raising initiatives, discussions, broadcasting short stories, and press releases. Additionally, a Code of Conduct for the Commissioner and Staff has been developed and published. Furthermore, an anti-corruption strategy for the period of 2018-2021 has been established and is being implemented along with successive annual work plans.

        We can observe the progress of Corruption Prevention Units that have been established in Union Ministries and Organizations. These units are not only actively involved in local activities but also engaged in international collaborations with various anti-corruption agencies. In the First Cycle, we achieved significant success through cooperation. Therefore, I strongly advocate for continued collaboration in the Second Cycle.

        Subsequently, the representatives from the UNODC headquarters and UNODC Country Office delivered their remarks, followed by a group photo session. The attendees included the Chairman, Secretary, and Members of the Anti-Corruption Commission, UCSB member U Than Htun, Vice Chairman for the Central Bank U Soe Thein, UNODC representatives, representatives from Union Ministries and Organizations, members of the media, and invited guests, totaling 110 individuals. The meeting will continue for three days, concluding on May 8.
